2020 Orientation Events


ECO Fest: Getting Involved in Sustainability Clubs

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ECO Fest is an introduction to student-driven, sustainability organizations at Cornell. This year’s virtual event features 30+ sustainability clubs. Chat with upperlevel students, and learn how to make a meaningful impact on issues like climate change and environmental justice, on campus and beyond.



12:00 PM

12:10 PM

12:30 PM


Welcome remarks and brief intro to ECO.

Pecha Kucha Session

Lightning round introducing each club.


Join separate Zoom breakouts to talk to any clubs you might be interested in joining.


Sustainability & Justice for All: Collective action through intersectional environmentalism

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Learn about intersectional environmentalism with our guest speaker, Leah Thomas, founder of Intersectional Environmentalist Council. At this event, students will hear different perspectives on intersectional approaches to climate change, and generate constructive conversations on the future of sustainability and climate justice work at Cornell. RSVP and submit questions for the Q&A session!


Facebook Event

Please fill out the RSVP form by Wednesday, September 16th.




7:00 PM

7:10 PM

7:40 PM


Welcome remarks from ECO.

Keynote speech

Guest speaker, Leah Thomas

Q&A Session

Moderated Q&A session from pre-submitted questions from Cornell students.


Learn more about the Campus Sustainability Office and other 2020 Orientation events here.